Gospel Ministry
We aim to organize various gospel events to enable students to experience the gospel in reality and understand its importance in their lives. Furthermore, through systematic training, the department also aims to cultivate Christian students to establish a strong testimony in their faith.
Gospel Week
As an intensive gospel-oriented activity, we strive to help students understand the love and salvation of Jesus Christ and aspire them to live a holy life like Christ. The week-long activity provides a comprehensive and immersive experience for students to deepen their understanding of the gospel. Through Gospel Week, we hope to inspire students to live a Christ-centered life.
Gospel Camp
Through this three-day, two-night intensive gospel-oriented activity, we hope to deepen students' understanding of the love and salvation of Jesus Christ. For Christian students, the camp provides an opportunity for them to reflect on the relationship between their lives and faith, affirm their personal redemption through the Saviour, and aspire to live like Christ and actively participate in church life. The activities are designed to allow each group of teachers and students to have more opportunities to share the gospel and discuss faith issues. Over years of organisation, we are pleased to see students developing a stronger sense of Christian identity.
4C 高卓楠﹕「信仰成長營是每年的大型福音活動之一,而同學亦在這個營會中也有不少的得著。在過去的一年我也有參加信仰成長營,在這個四日三夜的營會裏面,我們有敬拜、有遊戲、亦有信息的分享。在這個營會裏面,我也感覺到我對信仰的認識有所成長,也感恩神在當中一直帶領保守。去年的營會主題為發現愛.同行,讓我感受到主一直與我們同在,身邊亦有不同的同行者與我們一起走這條崎嶇不平的路。所以,我今年也報了名去這個營會,相信今年我在這個營會中會有更多的得著。」
The Gospel Camps also allow students to understand and experience the truth of Christianity, develop a positive attitude towards life, and create a spiritual atmosphere in the classroom. Additionally, teachers and students have more time for free sharing, enabling teachers to gain a deeper understanding of individual students and assist them in their personal growth.
5B 劉佩怡﹕「在我班的細胞小組中,我非常感恩,因為主令同學老師聚在一起,在忙碌的生活壓力中一同禱告,分享歡樂的時間。在這裏只有朋友的關係,大家一同自由地分享所思所想,一同聽別人分享。這段時間並不是浪費的,而是一段美好歡樂和人和神相交的時光,我慶幸能參與其中。」
This group of students are especially trained to spread the gospel to their peers and become leaders in the community of faith. Through systematic training and mentorship, Sparklers are provided with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to live out their faith and positively impact all school members, regardless of their Christianity identities.
5D 李崇君﹕「我覺得Sparklers是一群想為校園福音事工事奉更多的團體,主動去點燃其他人,在學校裏面做一根火柴。
5C李添銘﹕「我由中二開始加入sparklers這個大家庭。在剛開始的時候,有熱誠的人好多 自問自己未算很有熱誠。隨著在Sparklers這群體當中不斷聽到很多好見證,間接令我完全信靠主耶穌。作為一個已經有四年年資的Sparkler,我覺得自己對於校園傳揚福音的熱誠有所增加。Sparklers是一個很有愛的團隊,雖然大家見面時間不多,但都可以打成一片,就像一家人一樣。」
The Worship Team
This group of students and teachers serves God through music. The purpose of the team is to cultivate a proper view of worship and strengthen students' spiritual lives through their music ministry. The Worship Team provides a platform for students to showcase their talents and gifts and encourages them to use those talents to serve God and others. Through music ministry, students can develop a deeper relationship with God, experience growth in their faith, and express their love for Him. The Worship Team also provides opportunities for students to learn about leading a worship, working as a team, and using their talents and gifts to serve others.