
In hope to nurture holistic individuals, the school guidance team endeavours to provide on-going and long-term counselling service to our students. Therefore, we have taken the following initiatives to achieve the primary goal aforementioned.


1)Actively assist students in adapting to the changes in different developmental stages.

2)Help students navigate the physical and mental changes during adolescence in order to unleash their potential, strengthen their self-esteem and self-discipline.

3)Cultivate their sense of belonging to the school.

4)Educate students to be visionary and encourage them to contribute to society, thus fostering a fruitful life.


1)         To create a harmonious and caring school campus.

2)         To help students construct a positive self-image and get actively involved inself-betterment.

3)         To brush up students’ self-awareness in maintaining mental well-being and equipthem with sufficient coping strategies for facing adversities.

4)         To help students construct self-esteem and self-respect.

5)         To guide students in establishing healthy lifestyles and interpersonal relationships.

6)         To provide students with early intervention on career and life planning.

7)         To identify students’ needs and intervene as early as possible.

8)         To support teaching members and parents with professional counselling knowledge.

~.Annual Plan.~



In hope to boost students’ resilience when facing adversities and to spread the message of embracing difficulties, our department emphasises on the promotion of ‘self-compassion’. Through organising various activities, from class-teacher periods, guest-talks and various cheering-up activities, we aim to equip students with the optimistic attitude to confront hardships in life. It is hoped that students would take an active role in safeguarding their own mental well-being.


The Flock Supporting Scheme


Geese fly in flocks with a leader heading in the front in order to lead every goose to their destinations safely. Taking the connotation of leader helping their teams, S3 to S5 students are recruited to take care of the new S1 students. These senior form students will take up the role as leaders. They will be assigned with a certain number of S1 students and participate in a range of training together. These include camping, voluntary work and group activities. On one hand, our novice S1 members can expand their social circle across the whole school. In addition, it is hoped that they can establish stronger self-confidence, problem-solving skills and emotional management by being involved in various adventure activities.


To better support the newcomers, these S3 to S5 leaders tend to receive training during August and September. The training sessions are designed particularly for sharpening their leadership skills and consolidating their self-confidence. Soon after training, they will apply the acquired theories and skills into practice. Starting from October, leaders adopt the chief organiser role in conducting all sorts of opening ceremonies, S1 adventure camps and reunion activities.


In short, with the frequent interaction between newcomers and senior form students, an extensive support network has been woven across the school, strengthening mutual care among students regardless of their ages.

Peer Counsellors


Collaborated with Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre, peer counsellors are trained to strengthen their knowledge of mental health-being. This is not only for self-monitoring purposes, but also to encourage peer counsellors to actualise what they have learnt and contribute to the promotion of psychological health at school. It is believed that peer influence is a way of building a loving atmosphere on the campus.


Sex Education


In view of the distorted sexual values in modern society, the school bears an important responsibility to protect our students against incorrect messages inflicted by the media. Therefore, our department is keen to organise a wide diversity of activities for sex education so as to help students shape their correct morals and beliefs on sex.



Sex education activities throughout the school year:





Class-teacher periods for S1 to S6


Guest Talks for junior form and senior form students


Sex Education Week


During the Sex Education Week, activities, but not limited to the following, will be conducted:


  • Drama series specially designed for the Sex Education Week
  • Teachers’ sharings
  • Thematic assemblies
  • Special activities such as trial programs, board displays and polls


Every year, a different topic is selected for the Sex Education Week and we are glad to see resonant responses from students over the past few years. Popular topics in the past include:


  • The Third Sex: Transgender
  • Anime, Manga and Sex
  • Sex Traps on Smartphones
  • The Truthfulness of Pure Friendship between Boys and Girls
  • The coquette and her Soldiers
  • Date me for my Irresistible Package
~.Other Activities.~
  • S1 Orientation Day
  • Morning Assembly Sharings and Class Teacher Periods on Virtues
  • 年青有為獎勵計劃(Collaboration project with Chai Wan Baptist Church)
  • Resilience Building Program (S1 and S2)(in collaboration with Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre)

  •  Sorrow Supporting Program (S3 and S4) (in collaboration with Methodist Epworth Village Community Centre)

  • Individual counselling
  • Group counselling:

1)Repeaters Supporting Group for S1 to S3

2)BETTER ME(Collaboration project with ‘Let’s Shine’ Health School Service by TWHG)

3)Supporting group for single parents

4)Stress-cooping group

5)Romance Clarification