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Face-to-face classes will resume in phases from mid-September onwards S5 students are glad that they can catch up with the progress faster Some secondary schools have arranged daily remedial classes for S6 students starting from 9.16.


[i-Cable News] Some secondary schools have said that they will arrange for S6 students to return to school for remedial lessons every day starting from 16 September, but what is the mood of the students when lessons are resumed?

There are still more than 20 days to go back to school, is he looking forward to going to Primary One? JEFFREY, a Primary 1 student: "Because I can see my true colours and talk to them (my classmates) about many, many things. He said he is well-prepared: "Early to bed and early to rise, before ZOOM sometimes wake up at 7 o'clock, but now at 9 o'clock (wake up), because I do not have to go to ZOOM." His mother said she has conflicting feelings: "I hope that the children will have a normal life but we have to do a good job of preventing the epidemic, and sometimes when Siu Sai wants to eat, I have reminded him not to share as much as possible, and be careful when he goes to the washroom."


The first batch of resumed classes are also Secondary 5 students, Secondary 5 student Chen Xinzhu: "I am very lucky, can help me catch up with the progress, chemistry knowledge have to do experiments in order to remember more deeply. She read the secondary school, the classroom each table with a plastic board, tables and tables between the separation of at least 1 metre, even the distance between the toilet queue have instructions.


Classes will not officially resume until 23 September, but the government has also allowed schools to allow up to one-sixth of their students to return to school from 16 September, and principles have said that they will use all the flexibility they can to make up classes every day at Level 1. Lam Tat-ho, headmaster of the Chinese Missionary Society's Lau Wing Sang Secondary School, said: "The sixth form is after all the priority is to sit for the Diploma of Arts Examination, so we'll allow sixth formers to go back to school in the morning in a practical way.


The school will arrange for classes of more than 35 students to attend a larger special room so that students can maintain a social distance.