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Two students from our school won awards at the 「Asian International Mathematical Olympiad Open」 and the 「World Mathematical Game Open」


Two students from our school (6D class, Guo Jun Heng and Chen Jia Mao) traveled to Malaysia in early August to participate in the "Asian International Mathematical Olympiad Open Competition" and the "World Mathematical Game Open Competition" organized by the Hong Kong Mathematical Olympiad Association. In both competitions, student Chen Jia Mao won silver awards, while student Guo Jun Heng won a silver award and a bronze award. Their performances were inspiring!

Note 1: Introduction to Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest (AIMO) The Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Open Contest (AIMO Open) is organized by the Asia International Mathematical Olympiad Union and the AIMO Open Organizing Committee. Since its inception as HKMO Open (the predecessor of AIMO Open) in 2005, it has successfully held 14 sessions and is one of the most authoritative international mathematical Olympiad events. The aim of AIMO Open is to stimulate and cultivate the interest of young people in learning mathematics through competitions, strengthen and enhance the innovative thinking ability of young people, and broaden the international perspective of young people from various countries. The AIMO Open final is held in different countries/regions each year, attracting representatives from nearly 20 countries/regions, making it a truly prestigious international mathematical competition.


Note 2: Introduction to Mathematical Game Open Contest (HKMGO) Unlike traditional mathematical competitions, which have traditionally focused on basic computational abilities, this competition emphasizes all-round skill development, including pattern recognition, logical reasoning, spatial management, and associative thinking. These abilities have limited opportunities to be demonstrated in school exams and traditional mathematical competitions, but are indispensable in advanced mathematical studies. However, the singular focus on learning often leads many parents and students to neglect the development of these skills, resulting in greater difficulties when encountering advanced mathematics in the future, and even a loss of interest in mathematics. The purpose of this competition is to cater to students who do not have an advantage in computational and reading abilities, allowing them to fully demonstrate their mathematical abilities. The organization is committed to promoting academic exchanges in mathematics and hopes that through this competition, mathematical games can be popularized, and students can develop the often overlooked abilities in traditional mathematical learning, thereby effectively enhancing students' interest in mathematics and discovering outstanding mathematically gifted students in different areas.